January 28, 2021 eCommerce Solutions

There are Several Key Reasons Why NCP is The Best Choice for all Your Credit Card Processing Needs

There are Several Key Reasons Why NCP is The Best Choice for all Your Credit Card Processing Needs

Industry-leading Service

Each of our clients are assigned a dedicated Account Manager who will personally assist you with everything from completing the application, to free consulting, to ongoing support. No more calling and getting a different customer representative each time. This ensures that you are always welcomed with a familiar individual that personally knows your company inside and out and has your best interests at heart.

Experience and Expertise

The credit card processing industry is full of hidden practices and so it is important you process with a company that doesn’t play those games. We can share that knowledge and experience with you, as we are completely transparent during the entire process (signup, fees, risk, ongoing customer service).

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Price Assurance

we recognize that you have a choice in selecting your credit card processing partner and recognize that price is an important part of that decision. We have literally saved our clients millions of dollars on their processing fees, ranging up to 50%. How? We guarantee our savings and rates for as long as you are with us. We guarantee that we will continue to provide you with the lowest possible price for all your transaction fees. And, we match any bona fide competing offer, ensuring you have the best pricing deal possible.

Direct Processor Relationship

National Card Payments is directly registered with all of the major card brand associations including Visa, MasterCard, Discover, & American Express. This allows use to use our collective buying power on processing volume and number of transactions to lower operating costs and increase the amount of savings for you and your business.

Top-of-the Line Equipment and Software

We provide the latest State-of-the-art equipment and software in the processing industry. We will consult with you to make sure you are using the most efficient and effective up-to-date equipment that is in full compliance with industry standards and regulations.

Additional Savings Opportunities

Does your business process Large Ticket items? Do you sell Business-to-Business? We have saved companies millions of dollars in this area. If so, your business may qualify for these additional savings on your processing. Call us to learn more and see how we can find savings where others cannot.

Please contact Mark Holbrook directly at 801-923-8125 or contact on our website: https://ncpayments.com/apply-today/

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