January 27, 2021 Newsletter

Ecommerce Strategies To Boost Revenue This Holiday Season

Ecommerce Strategies To Boost Revenue This Holiday Season


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Commerce Pundit Chronicle September 2017, Issue 6
This Holiday Season
The time to begin preparing and planning your campaign is now!
Get a FREE 2-hour strategy session with Commerce Pundit to achieve record sales this holiday season!
Call us at 6784442112
With the seasonal traffic and ecommerce sales opportunities set to spike, driving the traffic to convert and purchase should be the top priority. For any online retailer, Cyber Monday is the busiest online shopping day of the year. ComScore recorded a 30 percent increase in sales last year for a total of $1.5 billion. Last two years saw longer sales periods, greater discounts and increase in orders. Black Friday and Cyber Monday changed from two days to the entire weekend of sales.

Holiday Marketing Tip #1

Start Early

Plan, plan, plan! And plan early.

This may seem like a fundamental advice but developing your marketing strategy and planning campaigns way in advance can save you from the last-minute rush and needless stress. If you start marketing in November, the optimal time will be over before you have an awareness of your performance and have a chance to improvisation.

Holiday Marketing Tip #2

Optimize your Holiday Email Campaign

Email is still the best channel to reach shoppers and drive sales. Build your email list and double down on email marketing. The focus should be on curated content offering discounts and information on the sales and latest products. Including time-sensitive offers like “One day Sale” and “For next 2 days only” creates a sense of urgency and compels the customers to take a quicker call.

Holiday Marketing Tip #3

get social

Social media can be an effective tool to begin setting the mood for the holiday season and getting your customers into the buying mode. Social media platforms like
Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram, are using algorithms to determine who it’s showing your content to. It’s a powerful method to get the word out about holiday
promotions and target shoppers who are specifically interested in the products you sell. Integrating them into your marketing campaigns can help build sales activity.

Holiday Marketing Tip #4
Optimize your Site for Holiday Conversion
right 40% of your visitors will leave your site if it doesn’t load within 3 seconds. Make sure your site speed is optimized and everything is loading quickly. You can quickly assess your load time by running your website’s URL through Google’s PageSpeed Insights tool.
right Another very important aspect is optimizing mobile-friendly websites, since consumer-spending now largely revolves around mobile devices.
right To really grab your visitor’s attention, try adding a full screen call to action (CTA) on your website.

Holiday Marketing Tip #5

Offer amazing deals

Promotions are extremely important to drive sales during the holiday season. Shoppers are looking for best deals during this time of the year. Offering them significant
discounts, free shipping or free shipping with thresholds should be an inherent part of your marketing strategy.

Holiday Marketing Tip #6
Deal with shopping cart abandonment
Not everybody who decides to buy from your website will actually complete their purchase. Infact, 75% of “almost” purchases get abandoned. To incentivize them-
right Give them a discount that expires in 24 hours.
right Show an exit popup prompting them they have something in their cart and offer a 10% discount or free shipping if they convert right then.
right Offer a small gift with your branding on it so your customers can do some free advertising for you when they use it.

If you don’t have the time or the know-how, Commerce Pundit can help you set up a high-performing ecommerce solution for the holiday season that will help put your sales through the roof.

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