January 27, 2021 Newsletter

CommercePundit Chronicle

CommercePundit Chronicle

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CommercePundit Chronicle
Inspirations Musings Ideas
Hello from Commerce Pundit
Hello from Commerce Pundit!
It is our very first newsletter and we are a bit excited!
We are sharing this newsletter because of our previous connection. Please know that your privacy is extremely important to us. We will never sell, trade or share your contact information with anyone. We will not keep it lying on our desk, we will not write it on our bathroom walls, we will not share it with our dog… you get the idea!
We just don’t want to add to the noise. Our goal with this newsletter is to create something that is candid,
genuine and useful to our readers. We’ll be keeping you in loop about our platform and tools that will help you in your business.
How to Boost Your Brand with Instagram
With 600 million users, Instagram has even surpassed its older cousin, Twitter who has 313 million monthly active users. Instagram provides brands with 25% more engagement over any other social platforms. Because of its highly engaged user base, Instagram is one of the best platforms for brands to partner with influencers to reach new audiences quickly. In this post, we will give you a few tips on how to use Instagram effectively to increase engagement and build a massive following.
developing Developing Your Brand Style
The key to standing out on Instagram is developing a consistent photographic style and repeating it.
Use a select color palette, and one or two filters
consistently to create a distinct style.
Run contests and giveaways Run contests and giveaways
Contests and giveaways are a great way to increase engagements among your Instagram audience. Three simple contests you can run are- a) photo sharing
contest where you ask your followers to post a photo related to a particular hashtag b) comments contest where you ask your followers to comment on your post to enter the contest c) likes contest where your followers simply like the post to enter.
Expand your reach with the right hashtags Expand your reach with the
right hashtags
Hash tagging your photos makes it easier for people to find your photos that are searching for those
specific terms. Creating your main company hashtag (#yourbrandname), and use it sparingly across
Instagram makes it easier for people to find content related to your business. The trick is to use the right hashtags. A common mistake some businesses make is using random hashtags they made up which unfortunately, is not going to help your following. For every product or product category in your store, search for 15-20 popular hashtags and include them in every post.
Engage with your competitor’s followers Engage with your competitor’s
If a user is following one of your competitors, hey, they are the ones already interested in your niche! You can start following 50-100 followers and engage them by liking and commenting on their posts. This will increase the likelihood of people following you back.
icon-5 Take followers behind the
Instagram is brilliant for sharing the human side of your business and making your followers feel a part of your brand.
Magento for dummies
Successful businesses are not only built on user
experience alone, but also on solid infrastructure and framework. Finding the right platform to host the
products is the most daunting task. A few big names are WordPress, BigCommerce, Shopify and Magento. Among all these, Magento is the most well-touted and widely used ecommerce systems in the world.
So why Magento, you may ask. But before that, let’s talk about what Magento is. Magento is a feature- rich and highly customizable ecommerce platform which is used to sell products online. In layman’s term, Magento allows you to create a great online store. As it stands, 1 in 4 online retailers choose to use Magento to power their webstores.


Some of the advantages of Magento are:

Open Source Open Source
Magento is a free and open source platform. It is easier to modify the source code and add features and functionality by creating or installing add-ons and plug-ins as per your business requirement.
Icon SEO Edge
If your site does not get enough traffic visits through search engines, then your return on investment is not going to be enough. Search engines love Magento because it creates very clean URLs, tags and
descriptions with keywords. This directly helps in sales and revenue generation.
Multiple Store Management Multiple Store Management
You can manage multiple stores on multiple domain names all from a single administrative panel. This means the owner can set up 2 different stores distinctly with its unique product catalogue.
icon 9 Marketing tools
Magento has various technologies and tools to promote your e-commerce business. It has many unique options like flexible coupons, private sales, multi-tier pricing, landing page tools for campaigns etc.
icon 10 Integration
Magento offers over 850 free add-ons and several
third- party integrations. Magento has a huge library of extensions developed by its worldwide community and allows for easy integration with third party apps helping businesses expand their reach.
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“Never give up. Today is hard, tomorrow will be worse, but the day after tomorrow will be sunshine”

Jack Ma

founder of Alibaba

second title

Today technology makes it easier for employees and entrepreneurs to work and run their
businesses from anywhere. This means businesses essentially don’t have to invest in their own office space. WeWork provides office space with flexible month-to-month membership options for everyone from an individual to large companies.

Freelancers can have a more reliable work space, and companies and other teams can have a place to collaborate and hold meetings and events. WeWork has locations in more than a dozen cities across the United States as well as internationally. The company also nurtures a sense of community among its members, so you can network with peers and customers while saving money on rent and other fees that come with maintaining your own office space.


A Full Service ecommerce solutiton Agency

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